Solutions & Services

Knowlgica provides various innovative solutions and services in the field of IT applications in different activities:


General consulting services and solutions for schools, institutes, universities, academies, banks, and different organizations that are interested in e-learning applications:

  • Online Academic Programs.
  • Professional Online Training Institutes.
  • Online Life Long Learning Programs.
  • Intelligent and High-Tech Schools.
  • Virtual Networked Schools.


The Provided services and solutions comprise one or more of the following functions:

  • Preliminary design of the application.
  • Feasibility study and business plan courses.
  • Curricula, Syllabus and content authoring, instructional design and e-development.
  • Basic learning and assessment management  systems integration and functioning.
  • Auxiliary information systems, design and implementation.
  • E-library selection and functioning.
  • Turn-key implementation, comprehensive operating and management of whole application.


Corporate Automation:
General consulting services and solutions for companies and organizations that are interested in partial or total automation of the corporate:

  • Performance management system.
  • Workflow systems.
  • Database applications.
  • Decision support system.
  • Dynamic web applications.

As in Elearning applications the provided services and solutions cover a wide dynamic range of functioning options starting from preliminary    design to turn key implementation.

Workplace Learning Today by Brandon Hall Research